Whether you’ve heard about the CheyTac M200 Intervention in gun mags, or only seen it in video games, one thing is for certain: it is the real deal, and offers the performance it promises.
The M200 was developed by Cheyenne Tactical for military use, specifically to engage targets at 2500 yards.
Paired with the .408 and .375 CheyTac cartridges, there is hardly a better rifle out there for long-range shooting. Here’s what you need to know about it.
Guaranteed Sub-MOA Performance
Minute of angle performance (1” of variance at 100 yards) is one thing. Lots of rifles offer it. The CheyTac M200 intervention ups that ante considerably, delivering half-MOA performance (that means .5” of variance at 100 yards), enabling pin-point accuracy. Actually, don’t be surprised if the rifle offers even better than half-MOA accuracy. That’s just a benchmark for what it will definitely deliver.
Unbelievable Range
The CheyTac M200 Intervention is capable of engaging targets at 2500 yards (and possibly even further) effectively.
Here’s the thing. There are other rifles and cartridges that are good long-range shooters, like .223. But .223 is a cap gun cartridge compared to .375 and .408 CT. Forget bullet drop, it just won’t retain energy at extended distances.
This is not just marketing. A British sniper has a confirmed kill at 1.5 miles against an ISIS sniper with an M200 rifle. Check the previous link for the details.
Surprisingly Long Barrel Life
Given the impressive power of the .375 and .408 CT cartridges, you might think you’d need to replace the barrel after a couple hundred shots. It would seem like these cartridges, like other high-velocity, flat-shooters, such as .220 Swift, would be barrel burners.
But they actually are not, and barrel life is supposed to last around 10,000 rounds or so. Truthfully, that’s a pretty impressive barrel life considering the power and heat of the cartridge.
And, even if the barrel only lasts half that, 5000 rounds or so, that’s still pretty good. If you know anyone personally that has dropped the hammer on 5000 rounds of .375 or .408 CT, let us know. We’d like to talk to them.
It Comes with Two Barrels
The CheyTac M200 cost is steep - that we know. But speaking of barrel life in the last section, for the price of the rifle you’re actually sort of getting two. So that’s worth a mention.
If you’re looking at a CheyTac M200 Intervention for sale from us, be aware that it will come with two barrels - one with a .408 CT chamber and the other built around .375 CT. This means you’ll not only get twice the barrel life, you’ll get twice the versatility.
Say you want to save the .408 CT for hunting and the slightly flatter shooting .375 CT for competition shooting. That you can do, with one rifle.
The King of Cartridges (for Long Distance)
Both .375 and .408 CT are uncontested cartridges for long-range shooting, not only for their high ballistic coefficients, but for their minimal drop and drift, as well as for retained kinetic energy downrange. There are few other cartridges that can offer the same.
Take two other great long-range cartridges, .50 BMG and .338 Lapua, for instance. The .50 BMG will generate greater stopping power downrange than CheyTac calibers, but it will drop more and produce more recoil. The .338 Lapua is more comparable, but should still drop more than .375 CT ammo.
Comparing the two, .375 CT drops less than .408, but retains less terminal ballistic energy. Regardless, in terms of retained energy, flat trajectory and minimal wind drift, there are hardly better long-range cartridges out there.
It Comes with a Muzzle Brake
Since we mentioned .50 BMG up there, we should talk a bit about recoil here. The former will produce a pretty serious kick. As for .375 and .408 CT, they’re actually not that bad and many shooters have commented as much (just check shooter forums if you don’t believe us).
Part of the reason is that the CheyTac M200 Intervention weighs nearly 30 pounds. That mass alone can absorb most of the recoil from a shot. The other component is that the rifle comes with a muzzle brake, which cuts back on recoil even more.
It’s not the recoil that’ll get you - it’s the muzzle blast. If you’re ever at the range around one of these rifles, keep well to the rear.
Stability, Built-in
To say that the CheyTac M200 Intervention comes with a bipod would only paint a part of the picture. It’s true, but there’s more to this.
Yes, the CheyTac M200 has an integral bipod that can afford you stable shooting performance on nearly any surface. But it also has a third leg, integrated with the stock, that actually converts this platform into a tripod.
That means you can stabilize the rifle on basically any surface and eliminate cant, delivering pinpoint precision even when presented with an inadequate substrate.
No benchrest is needed (though it helps). You can level this rifle on dirt, gravel, paved surfaces - whatever you’re working with.
Custom-Like Performance

One more thing about the CheyTac M200 Intervention is that the whole thing is fine-tuned for performance, down to the chassis on which it is built. With the M200 rifle, everything is customizable to the shooter, including the stock, so you can dial in length of pull, comb height, and more, for perfect eye relief. You’d want as much on a rifle that delivers half-MOA accuracy and can engage targets more than a mile away. So that means the price includes the custom system to deliver on those promises.
Why Buy a CheyTac M200 Intervention from Us?
For one thing, we are an official CheyTac distributor. For another, we offer a payment plan that only requires 20% down. You can learn more about it on our M200 rifle page.
All the same, there might be a better rifle-cartridge combo for you. Before you pull the trigger (pun intended) contact us by phone or email (CS@BnBFirearms.com) and we’ll help you choose the long-range rifle that works best for you.